Our USSD Platform is the most widely used system with over 1.3M users, spread out in different countries i.e. Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia

Our system offers subscription services and an on demand  wiki for agricultural information, that contains bundles of rich, revised and simplified content in SMS format, accessible by navigating through structured Menus that terminate to an SMS or a collection of SMS around a specific topic. Farmers are able to grow their knowledge at their finger tips on a daily basis.


The iCow Android Platform provides access to rich media content and more advanced products and services around farm Management.

Farmers are able to access Targeted programs customers to their farming systems, courses on sustainable agro ecological farming practices, Library, Dr. iCow, Podcasts, iCow Partners and reports.


KAIOS is a platform that allows farmers to access our platform on mid -tier phones

Our KAIOS application is web based, making it easy to access specific agro-ecological content around the globe for different localizations. Our content is easily translated and is broken down in library format.